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[分享资源] 牛津阅读类资源合集含音视频和PDF电子书与大量英文原著











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英文原著01.jpg 英文原著02.jpg


├ 牛津1-9级翻译文件
│  │ 牛津树1-2中文翻译.pdf
│  ├ 牛津6-9翻译(101页扫描版jpg图片)
│  ├ 牛津翻译1-2(65页扫描版jpg图片)
│  └ 牛津翻译3-5(138页扫描版jpg图片)
├ 牛津书虫中英对照epud+mobi+azw3
│  ├ 书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(第3级全)(套装共19本合集azw3、epub、mobi三格式)
│  ├ 书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(第4级全)(共16本)
│  │  │ 书虫4级nodrm.azw3
│  │  │ 书虫4级nodrm.epub
│  │  └ 书虫4级nodrm.mobi
│  ├ 书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(第5级)(套装共8本)
│  │  │ 书虫5级nodrm.azw3
│  │  │ 书虫5级nodrm.epub
│  │  └ 书虫5级nodrm.mobi
│  ├ 书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(第6级)(共7本)
│  │  │ 书虫6级nodrm.azw3
│  │  │ 书虫6级nodrm.epub
│  │  └ 书虫6级nodrm.mobi
│  └ 书虫·牛津英汉双语读物:1级全套(套装共31册)
│     │ 书虫·牛津英汉双语读物:1级全套.azw3
│     │ 书虫·牛津英汉双语读物:1级全套.epub
│     └ 书虫·牛津英汉双语读物:1级全套.mobi
├ 牛津树1-9练习册
│  ├ 牛津树第一级练习册
│  │  │ 1-13 Who Is It.pdf
│  │  │ 1-14 Floppy Floppy.pdf
│  │  │ 1-15 Six in a bed.pdf
│  │  │ 1-16 A Good Trick.pdf
│  │  │ 1-17 Fun at the Beach.pdf
│  │  │ 1-18 The Pancake.pdf
│  │  │ 1-19 Is It.pdf
│  │  │ 1-20 Get On.pdf
│  │  │ 1-21 Floppy Did This.pdf
│  │  │ 1-22 Get Dad.pdf
│  │  │ 1-23 Up You Go.pdf
│  │  │ 1-24 I See.pdf
│  │  │ 1-25 The Headache.pdf
│  │  │ 1-26 At the Park.pdf
│  │  │ 1-27 Fancy Dress.pdf
│  │  │ 1-28 Push!.pdf
│  │  │ 1-29 Good Old Mum.pdf
│  │  │ 1-30 The Pet Shop.pdf
│  │  │ 1-31 What a Mess!.pdf
│  │  │ 1-32 Making Faces.pdf
│  │  │ 1-33 The Journey.pdf
│  │  │ 1-34 Goa!.pdf
│  │  │ 1-35 Who Did That.pdf
│  │  │ 1-36 Shopping.pdf
│  │  │ 1-37 Hide and Seek.pdf
│  │  │ 1-38 Look at Me.pdf
│  │  │ 1-39 Go Away, Floppy.pdf
│  │  │ 1-40 Reds and Blues.pdf
│  │  │ 1-41 Big Feet.pdf
│  │  │ 1-42 Kipper's Diary.pdf
│  │  │ 1-43 What Dogs Like.pdf
│  │  │ 1-44 Presents for Dad.pdf
│  │  │ 1-45 Top Dog.pdf
│  │  │ 1-46 Look After Me.pdf
│  │  │ 1-47 Go On, Mum!.pdf
│  │  │ 1-48 Go Away, Cat.pdf
│  │  │ 1-49 The Sandcastle.pdf
│  │  │ 1-50 Floppy's Bone.pdf
│  │  │ 1-51 The Box of Treasure.pdf
│  │  │ 1-52 Hook a Duck.pdf
│  │  │ 1-53 Chip's Robot.pdf
│  │  │ 1-54 One Wheel.pdf
│  │  │ 1-55 The Ice Cream.pdf
│  │  │ 1-56 Can You See Me.pdf
│  │  │ 1-57 Good Dog.pdf
│  │  │ 1-58 What a DIN!.pdf
│  │  │ 1-59 See Me Skip.pdf
│  │  └ 1-60 The Mud Pie.pdf
│  ├ 牛津树第七级练习册
│  │  │ 7-11 Roman Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 7-12 The Jigsaw Puzzle.pdf
│  │  │ 7-13 The Power Cut.pdf
│  │  │ 7-14 Australian Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 7-15 The Riddle Stone Part1.pdf
│  │  │ 7-16 The Riddle Stone Part2.pdf
│  │  │ 7-17 A Sea Mystery.pdf
│  │  │ 7-18 The Big Breakfast.pdf
│  │  │ 7-19 The Joke Machine.pdf
│  │  │ 7-1 Red Planet.pdf
│  │  │ 7-2 Lost In The Jungle.pdf
│  │  │ 7-3 The Broken Roof.pdf
│  │  │ 7-4 The Lost Key.pdf
│  │  │ 7-5 The Willow Pattern Plot.pdf
│  │  │ 7-6 Submarine Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 7-7 The Motorway.pdf
│  │  │ 7-8 The Bully.pdf
│  │  └ 7-9 The Hunt for Gold.pdf
│  ├ 牛津树第三级练习册
│  │  │ 3-10 A Cat in the Tree.pdf
│  │  │ 3-11 The Rope Swing.pdf
│  │  │ 3-12 By the Stream.pdf
│  │  │ 3-13 Kipper the Clown.pdf
│  │  │ 3-14 Strawberry Jam.pdf
│  │  │ 3-15 The Jumble Sale.pdf
│  │  │ 3-16 at the Seaside.pdf
│  │  │ 3-17 Kipper's Idea.pdf
│  │  │ 3-18 The Snowman.pdf
│  │  │ 3-19 The Barbecue.pdf
│  │  │ 3-1 The Duck Race.pdf
│  │  │ 3-20 The Carnival.pdf
│  │  │ 3-21 At the Pool.pdf
│  │  │ 3-22 Bull's-eye!.pdf
│  │  │ 3-23 Book Week.pdf
│  │  │ 3-24 The Cold Day.pdf
│  │  │ 3-25 Midge in Hospital.pdf
│  │  │ 3-26 Joe and the Bike.pdf
│  │  │ 3-27 Roy and the Budgie.pdf
│  │  │ 3-28 Midge and the Eggs.pdf
│  │  │ 3-29 Pip at the Zoo.pdf
│  │  │ 3-2 Sniff.pdf
│  │  │ 3-30 Pip and the Little Monkey.pdf
│  │  │ 3-3 Pond Dipping.pdf
│  │  │ 3-4 The Ice Rink.pdf
│  │  │ 3-5 The Mud Bath.pdf
│  │  │ 3-6 The Steel Band.pdf
│  │  │ 3-7 on the Sand.pdf
│  │  │ 3-8 The Egg Hunt.pdf
│  │  └ 3-9 Nobody Wanted to Play.pdf
│  ├ 牛津树第九级练习册
│  │  │ 9-10 The Finest the Land.pdf
│  │  │ 9-11 The Flying Machine.pdf
│  │  │ 9-12 Key Trouble.pdf
│  │  │ 9-1 Green Island.pdf
│  │  │ 9-2 Storm Castle.pdf
│  │  │ 9-3 Super dog.pdf
│  │  │ 9-4 The Litter Queen.pdf
│  │  │ 9-5 The Quest.pdf
│  │  │ 9-6 Survival Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 9-7 The Blue Eye.pdf
│  │  │ 9-8 Rescue!.pdf
│  │  └ 9-9 Dutch Adventure.pdf
│  ├ 牛津树第二级练习册
│  │  │ 2-1 Mokey Tricks.pdf
│  │  │ 2-10 Up and Down.pdf
│  │  │ 2-11 The Little Dragon.pdf
│  │  │ 2-12 The Band.pdf
│  │  │ 2-13 The Big Egg.pdf
│  │  │ 2-14 Poor Floppy.pdf
│  │  │ 2-15 Put it Back.pdf
│  │  │ 2-16 In a Bit.pdf
│  │  │ 2-17 A Present for Mum.pdf
│  │  │ 2-18 The hole in the Sand.pdf
│  │  │ 2-19 The toy’s Party.pdf
│  │  │ 2-2 Hey Presto.pdf
│  │  │ 2-20 New Trainers.pdf
│  │  │ 2-21 A New Dog.pdf
│  │  │ 2-22 What a Bad Dog.pdf
│  │  │ 2-23 The Go-kart.pdf
│  │  │ 2-24 The Dream.pdf
│  │  │ 2-25 Floppy's Bath.pdf
│  │  │ 2-26 The Baby-sitter.pdf
│  │  │ 2-27 The Water Fight.pdf
│  │  │ 2-28 Kipper’s Balloon.pdf
│  │  │ 2-29 Spots!.pdf
│  │  │ 2-3 It's the Weather.pdf
│  │  │ 2-30 Kipper's Birthday.pdf
│  │  │ 2-31 Kipper's Laces.pdf
│  │  │ 2-32 The Wobby Tooth.pdf
│  │  │ 2-33 The Foggy Day.pdf
│  │  │ 2-34 Biff's Aeroplane.pdf
│  │  │ 2-35 Floppy the Hero.pdf
│  │  │ 2-36 The Chase.pdf
│  │  │ 2-4 Naughty Children.pdf
│  │  │ 2-5 A Sinking Feeling.pdf
│  │  │ 2-6 Creepy-crawly.pdf
│  │  │ 2-7 What is It.pdf
│  │  │ 2-8 The Lost Puppy.pdf
│  │  └ 2-9 New Trees.pdf
│  ├ 牛津树第五级练习册
│  │  │ 5-10 It's Not Fair.pdf
│  │  │ 5-11 The Great Race.pdf
│  │  │ 5-12 A Monster Mistake.pdf
│  │  │ 5-13 The New Baby.pdf
│  │  │ 5-14 Camping Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-15 Scarecrows.pdf
│  │  │ 5-16 Noah's Ark Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-17 A New Classroom.pdf
│  │  │ 5-18 Mum to the Rescue.pdf
│  │  │ 5-19 Sleeping Beauty.pdf
│  │  │ 5-1 The Magic key.pdf
│  │  │ 5-20 The Adventure Park.pdf
│  │  │ 5-21 Kipper and the Trolls.pdf
│  │  │ 5-22 Safari Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-23 Dad's Run.pdf
│  │  │ 5-24 Drawing Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-2 Pirate Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-3 The Dragon Tree.pdf
│  │  │ 5-4 Gran.pdf
│  │  │ 5-5 Castle Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-6 Village in the Snow.pdf
│  │  │ 5-7 The What sit.pdf
│  │  │ 5-8 Under grand Adventure.pdf
│  │  └ 5-9 Vanishing Cream.pdf
│  ├ 牛津树第八级练习册
│  │  │ 8-10 What Was It Like.pdf
│  │  │ 8-11 Flood!.pdf
│  │  │ 8-12 Egyptian Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 8-1 The Kidnappers.pdf
│  │  │ 8-2 Viking Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 8-3 The Rainbow Machine.pdf
│  │  │ 8-4 The Flying Carpet.pdf
│  │  │ 8-5 A Day in London.pdf
│  │  │ 8-6 Victorian Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 8-7 Pocket Money.pdf
│  │  │ 8-8 The Evil Genie.pdf
│  │  └ 8-9 Save Floppy!.pdf
│  ├ 牛津树第六级练习册
│  │  │ 6-10 Christmas Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 6-11 The Go-kart Race.pdf
│  │  │ 6-12 The Shiny Key.pdf
│  │  │ 6-13 Paris Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 6-14 The Stolen Crown Part1.pdf
│  │  │ 6-15 The Stolen Crown Part2.pdf
│  │  │ 6-16 Ship In Trouble.pdf
│  │  │ 6-17 Homework!.pdf
│  │  │ 6-18 Olympic Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 6-19 Dad's Grand Plan.pdf
│  │  │ 6-1 In the Garden.pdf
│  │  │ 6-20 Mirror Island.pdf
│  │  │ 6-21 Don't Be Silly.pdf
│  │  │ 6-2 Kipper and the Giant.pdf
│  │  │ 6-3 The Outing.pdf
│  │  │ 6-4 Land Of The Dinosaurs.pdf
│  │  │ 6-5 Robin Hood.pdf
│  │  │ 6-6 The Treasure Chest.pdf
│  │  │ 6-7 A Fright In The Night.pdf
│  │  │ 6-8 Rotten Apples.pdf
│  │  └ 6-9 The Laughing Princess.pdf
│  └ 牛津树第四级练习册
│     │ 4-11 The Play.pdf
│     │ 4-12 The Storm.pdf
│     │ 4-14 The Weather Vane.pdf
│     │ 4-15 Poor Old Mum.pdf
│     │ 4-16 The Wedding.pdf
│     │ 4-17 The Camcorder.pdf
│     │ 4-18 The Balloon.pdf
│     │ 4-19 Wet Paint.pdf
│     │ 4-1 Lucky the Goat.pdf
│     │ 4-20 Swap!.pdf
│     │ 4-21 The Flying Elephant.pdf
│     │ 4-22 The Scarf.pdf
│     │ 4-23 The Dragon Dance.pdf
│     │ 4-24 Everyone Got Wet.pdf
│     │ 4-25 Dad's Jacket.pdf
│     │ 4-26 Stuck in the Mud.pdf
│     │ 4-27 The Den.pdf
│     │ 4-28 Look Smart.pdf
│     │ 4-29 Tug of War.pdf
│     │ 4-2 Adam's Car.pdf
│     │ 4-30 An Important Case.pdf
│     │ 4-3 Yasmin and the Flood.pdf
│     │ 4-4 Yasmin's Dress.pdf
│     │ 4-5 Mosque School.pdf
│     │ 4-6 Adam Goes Shopping.pdf
│     │ 4-7 House for Sale.pdf
│     │ 4-8 The New House.pdf
│     └ 4-9 Come In!.pdf
├ 牛津树自然拼读系列66本
│  ├ 1
│  │  │ 1-01 I can.pdf
│  │  │ 1-02 the dog tag.pdf
│  │  │ 1-03 cat in a bag.pdf
│  │  │ 1-04 it.pdf
│  │  │ 1-05 the red hen.pdf
│  │  │ 1-06 tip top.pdf
│  │  │ 1-07 Cats.pdf
│  │  │ 1-08 pop.pdf
│  │  │ 1-09 mud.pdf
│  │  │ 1-10 Big, Bad Bug.pdf
│  │  │ 1-11 hats.pdf
│  │  └ 1-12 a big mess.pdf
│  ├ 2
│  │  │ 2-01 fizz buzz.pdf
│  │  │ 2-02 shops.pdf
│  │  │ 2-03 such a fuss.pdf
│  │  │ 2-04 less mess.pdf
│  │  │ 2-05 The Sing Song.pdf
│  │  │ 2-06 the backpack.pdf
│  │  │ 2-07 the zip.pdf
│  │  │ 2-08 posh shop.pdf
│  │  │ 2-09 bang the gong.pdf
│  │  │ 2-10 Jack.pdf
│  │  │ 2-11 Quiz.pdf
│  │  └ 2-12 A Robin's Eggs.pdf
│  ├ 3
│  │  │ 3-01 The Moon Jet.pdf
│  │  │ 3-02 wet feet.pdf
│  │  │ 3-03 rain again.pdf
│  │  │ 3-04 the red coat.pdf
│  │  │ 3-05 quick,quick.pdf
│  │  │ 3-06 the rock and the ring.pdf
│  │  │ 3-07 Leek Hotpot.pdf
│  │  │ 3-08 queen's maid.pdf
│  │  │ 3-09 Toads in the Road.pdf
│  │  │ 3-10 chairs in the air.pdf
│  │  │ 3-11 A Bark in the Night.pdf
│  │  └ 3-12 Silver Foil Rocket.pdf
│  ├ 4
│  │  │ 4-01 Seasick.pdf
│  │  │ 4-02 egg fried rice.pdf
│  │  │ 4-03 Craig saves the day.pdf
│  │  │ 4-04 the knight who was afraid.pdf
│  │  │ 4-05 joe.pdf
│  │  │ 4-06 dolphin rescue.pdf
│  │  │ 4-07 The Crab Dragon.pdf
│  │  │ 4-08 No Tricks Gran.pdf
│  │  │ 4-09 the lost chimp.pdf
│  │  │ 4-10 Painting the Loft.pdf
│  │  │ 4-11 green planet kids.pdf
│  │  └ 4-12 Cruch.pdf
│  ├ 5
│  │  │ 5-01 Gran's New Blue Shoes.pdf
│  │  │ 5-02 ice city.pdf
│  │  │ 5-03 save pudding wood.pdf
│  │  │ 5-04 the playground.pdf
│  │  │ 5-05 a little baby boy.pdf
│  │  │ 5-06 uncle max.pdf
│  │  │ 5-07 The Gale.pdf
│  │  │ 5-08 Please Do Not Sneeze.pdf
│  │  │ 5-09 the missing crystal.pdf
│  │  │ 5-10 Rowing Boats.pdf
│  │  │ 5-11 Mr Scroop's School.pdf
│  │  └ 5-12 the haunted house.pdf
│  └ 6
│     │ 6-01 the castle garden.pdf
│     │ 6-02 top score.pdf
│     │ 6-03 mum's birthday surprise.pdf
│     │ 6-04 a rare pair of bears.pdf
│     │ 6-05 change gear steer.pdf
│     └ 6-06 uncle max and the treasure.pdf
├ 牛津阅读树1-3音频+视频
│  │ 1-3阶中文指导手册.pdf
│  ├ 视频1-3
│  │  │ 1视频说明.txt
│  │  │ Level 1 First Stories A Good Trick.mp4
│  │  │ Level 1 First Stories Floppy Did this.mp4
│  │  │ Level 1 First Stories Get on.mp4
│  │  │ Level 1 First Stories Six in a Bed.mp4
│  │  │ Level 1 First Stories The Pancake.mp4
│  │  │ Level 1 First Stories Up you go.mp4
│  │  │ Level 1 Phonics Biff's wonder words.mp4
│  │  │ Level 1 Phonics Chip's Letter sound.mp4
│  │  │ Level 1 Phonics Floppy Fun Phonics.mp4
│  │  │ Level 1 Phonics Kipper's Alphabet I Spy.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 First Stories Dad's birthday.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 First Stories Funny Fish.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 First Stories Mum`s New Hat.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 First Stories Picnic Time.avi
│  │  │ Level 2 First Stories Silly Race.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 First Stories Snowman.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 Phonics A Yak at the Picnic.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 Phonics Cat in a bag.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 Phonics I am kipper.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 Phonics The Fizz-buzz.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 Phonics The red hen.mp4
│  │  │ Level 2 Phonics Win a Nut.mp4
│  │  │ Level 3 First Stories Floppy and the bone.mp4
│  │  │ Level 3 First Stories I can Trick a tiger.mp4
│  │  │ Level 3 First Stories Poor Old Rabbit.mp4
│  │  │ Level 3 First Stories Super Dad.mp4
│  │  │ Level 3 Phonics shops.mp4
│  │  │ Level 3 Phonics Such a Fuss.mp4
│  │  │ Level 3 Phonics The Backpack.mp4
│  │  └ Level 3 Phonics The Sing Song.mp4
│  └ 音频1-3
│     │ A Good Trick.mp3
│     │ A Yak at the picnic.mp3
│     │ Biff's fun phonics.mp3
│     │ CAT IN A BAG.mp3
│     │ DAD'S BIRTHDAY.mp3
│     │ Floppy and the Bone.mp3
│     │ Floppy Did This.mp3
│     │ Floppy Floppy.mp3
│     │ Fun at the Beach.mp3
│     │ Funny fish.mp3
│     │ Get On.mp3
│     │ I AM KIPPER.mp3
│     │ I CAN TRICK A TIGER.mp3
│     │ Kipper's Alphabet I Spy.mp3
│     │ Kipper‘s rhymes.mp3
│     │ Mum's New Hat.mp3
│     │ Picnic Time.mp3
│     │ Poor old rabbit.mp3
│     │ SHOPS.mp3
│     │ Silly races.mp3
│     │ Six in a Bed.mp3
│     │ SUCH A FUSS.mp3
│     │ SUPER DAD.mp3
│     │ THE BACKPACK.mp3
│     │ THE FIZZ BUZZ.mp3
│     │ The Pancake.mp3
│     │ THE RED HEN.mp3
│     │ The Sing Song.mp3
│     │ The Snowman.mp3
│     │ Up You Go.mp3
│     └ Win a net.mp3
├ 牛津阅读树1-9级PDF电子书
│  ├ 级别 (1)
│  │  │ 1-01 At school(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-02 Getting up(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-03 Look out(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-04 The Haircut(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-05 The Lost Teddy(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-06 The Library(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-07 The swing ball(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-08 The street fair(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-09 The Big Box(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-10 Fetch(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-11 The Hedgehog(无字书).pdf
│  │  │ 1-12 The Apple.pdf
│  │  │ 1-13 who_is_it.pdf
│  │  │ 1-14 floppy_floppy.pdf
│  │  │ 1-15 six_in_a_bed.pdf
│  │  │ 1-16 a_gootrick.pdf
│  │  │ 1-17 fun_at_the_beach.pdf
│  │  │ 1-18 The_pancake.pdf
│  │  │ 1-19 Is It.pdf
│  │  │ 1-20 Get On.pdf
│  │  │ 1-21 Floppy did this.pdf
│  │  │ 1-22 Get Dad.pdf
│  │  │ 1-23 Up You Go.pdf
│  │  │ 1-24 I See.pdf
│  │  │ 1-25 Hide and Seek.pdf
│  │  │ 1-26 Look at Me.pdf
│  │  │ 1-27 Go away Floppy.pdf
│  │  │ 1-28 Reds and blues.pdf
│  │  │ 1-29 Big Feet.pdf
│  │  │ 1-30 Kipper's Dairy.pdf
│  │  │ 1-31 What Dogs Like.pdf
│  │  │ 1-32 Presents for Dad.pdf
│  │  │ 1-33 Top Dog.pdf
│  │  │ 1-34 Look After Me.pdf
│  │  │ 1-35 Go On,Mum.pdf
│  │  │ 1-36 Go Away,Cat.pdf
│  │  │ 1-37 The Sandcastle.pdf
│  │  │ 1-38 Floppy's Bone.pdf
│  │  │ 1-39 The Box of Treasure.pdf
│  │  │ 1-40 Hook a Duck.pdf
│  │  │ 1-41 Chip's Robot.pdf
│  │  │ 1-42 One Wheel.pdf
│  │  │ 1-43 The Ice Cream.pdf
│  │  │ 1-44 Can You See Me.pdf
│  │  │ 1-45 Good Dog.pdf
│  │  │ 1-46 What a DIN!.pdf
│  │  │ 1-47 See Me Skip.pdf
│  │  │ 1-48 The Mud Pie.pdf
│  │  │ 1-49 The Headache.pdf
│  │  │ 1-50 At the Park.pdf
│  │  │ 1-51 Fancy Dress.pdf
│  │  │ 1-52 Push!.pdf
│  │  │ 1-53 Good Old Mum.pdf
│  │  │ 1-54 The Pet Shop.pdf
│  │  │ 1-55 What a Mess.pdf
│  │  │ 1-56 Making Faces.pdf
│  │  │ 1-57 The Journey.pdf
│  │  │ 1-58 Goal!.pdf
│  │  │ 1-59 Who did that.pdf
│  │  └ 1-60 Shopping.pdf
│  ├ 级别 (2)
│  │  │ 2-01 The Toy's Party.pdf
│  │  │ 2-02 New Trainers.pdf
│  │  │ 2-03 A New Dog.pdf
│  │  │ 2-04 What a Bad Dog!.pdf
│  │  │ 2-05 The Go-Kart.pdf
│  │  │ 2-06 The Dream.pdf
│  │  │ 2-07 Floppy's Bath.pdf
│  │  │ 2-08 The Baby-sitter.pdf
│  │  │ 2-09 The Water Fight.pdf
│  │  │ 2-10 Kipper's Balloon.pdf
│  │  │ 2-11 Spots.pdf
│  │  │ 2-12 Kipper's Birthday.pdf
│  │  │ 2-13 Kipper's Laces.pdf
│  │  │ 2-14 The Wobbly Tooth.pdf
│  │  │ 2-15 The Foggy Day.pdf
│  │  │ 2-16 Biff's Aeroplane.pdf
│  │  │ 2-17 Floppy the Hero.pdf
│  │  │ 2-18 The Chase.pdf
│  │  │ 2-19 The Big Egg.pdf
│  │  │ 2-20 Poor Floppy.pdf
│  │  │ 2-21 Put it back.pdf
│  │  │ 2-22 In a bit.pdf
│  │  │ 2-23 A present for Mum.pdf
│  │  │ 2-24 A hole in the sand.pdf
│  │  │ 2-25 Monkey Tricks.pdf
│  │  │ 2-26 Hey Presto!.pdf
│  │  │ 2-27 It's the Weather.pdf
│  │  │ 2-28 Naughty Children.pdf
│  │  │ 2-30 Creepy-crawly!.pdf
│  │  │ 2-31 What is it.pdf
│  │  │ 2-32 the Lost Puppy.pdf
│  │  │ 2-33 New Trees.pdf
│  │  │ 2-34 Up and Down.pdf
│  │  │ 2-35 The Little Dragon.pdf
│  │  └ 2-36 The Band.pdf
│  ├ 级别 (3)
│  │  │ 3-01 The Duck Race.pdf
│  │  │ 3-02 Sniff.pdf
│  │  │ 3-03 Pond Dipping.pdf
│  │  │ 3-04 The Ice Rink.pdf
│  │  │ 3-05 The Mud Bath.pdf
│  │  │ 3-06 The Steel Band.pdf
│  │  │ 3-07 On the Sand.pdf
│  │  │ 3-08 The Egg Hunt.pdf
│  │  │ 3-09 Nobody Wanted to Play.pdf
│  │  │ 3-10 A Cat in the Tree.pdf
│  │  │ 3-11 The Rope Swing.pdf
│  │  │ 3-12 By the Stream.pdf
│  │  │ 3-13 Kipper the Clown.pdf
│  │  │ 3-14 Srawberry  Jam.pdf
│  │  │ 3-15 The Jumble Sale.pdf
│  │  │ 3-16 At the Seaside.pdf
│  │  │ 3-17 Kipper's Idea.pdf
│  │  │ 3-18 The Snowman.pdf
│  │  │ 3-19 The Barbecue.pdf
│  │  │ 3-20 The Carnival.pdf
│  │  │ 3-21 At the Pool.pdf
│  │  │ 3-22 Bull's-eye!.pdf
│  │  │ 3-23 Book Week.pdf
│  │  │ 3-24 The Cold Day.pdf
│  │  │ 3-25 Midge in Hospital.pdf
│  │  │ 3-26 Joe and the Bike.pdf
│  │  │ 3-27 Roy and the Budgie.pdf
│  │  │ 3-28 Midge and the Eggs.pdf
│  │  │ 3-29 Pip at the Zoo.pdf
│  │  └ 3-30 Pip and the Little Monkey.pdf
│  ├ 级别 (4)
│  │  │ 4-01 Lucky the Goat.pdf
│  │  │ 4-02 Adam's Car.pdf
│  │  │ 4-03 Yasmin and the Flood.pdf
│  │  │ 4-04 Yasmin's Dress.pdf
│  │  │ 4-05 Mosque School.pdf
│  │  │ 4-06 Adam Goes Shopping.pdf
│  │  │ 4-07 House for Sale.pdf
│  │  │ 4-08 The New House.pdf
│  │  │ 4-09 Come In!.pdf
│  │  │ 4-10 The Secret Room.pdf
│  │  │ 4-11 The Play.pdf
│  │  │ 4-12 The Storm.pdf
│  │  │ 4-13 Nobody Got Wet.pdf
│  │  │ 4-14 The Weather Vane.pdf
│  │  │ 4-15 Poor Old Mum.pdf
│  │  │ 4-16 The Wedding.pdf
│  │  │ 4-17 The Camcorder.pdf
│  │  │ 4-18 The Balloon.pdf
│  │  │ 4-19 Wet Paint.pdf
│  │  │ 4-20 Swap!.pdf
│  │  │ 4-21 The Flying Elephant .pdf
│  │  │ 4-22 The Scarf.pdf
│  │  │ 4-23 The Dragon Dance.pdf
│  │  │ 4-24 Everyone Got Wet.pdf
│  │  │ 4-25 Dad's Jacket.pdf
│  │  │ 4-26 Stuck in the Mud.pdf
│  │  │ 4-27 The Den.pdf
│  │  │ 4-28 Look Smart.pdf
│  │  │ 4-29 Tug of War.pdf
│  │  └ 4-30 An Important Case.pdf
│  ├ 级别 (5)
│  │  │ 5-01 The Magic key.pdf
│  │  │ 5-02 Pirate Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-03 The Dragon Tree.pdf
│  │  │ 5-04 Gran.pdf
│  │  │ 5-05 Castle Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-06 Village in the Snow.pdf
│  │  │ 5-07 The Whatsit.pdf
│  │  │ 5-08 Undergrand Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-09 Vanishing Cream.pdf
│  │  │ 5-10 It's Not Fair.pdf
│  │  │ 5-11 The Great Race.pdf
│  │  │ 5-12 A Monster Mistake.pdf
│  │  │ 5-13 The New Baby.pdf
│  │  │ 5-14 Camping Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-15 Scarecrows.pdf
│  │  │ 5-16 Noah's Ark Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-17 A New Classroom.pdf
│  │  │ 5-18 Mum to the Rescue.pdf
│  │  │ 5-19 Sleeping Beauty.pdf
│  │  │ 5-20 The Adventure Park.pdf
│  │  │ 5-21 Kipper and the Trolls.pdf
│  │  │ 5-22 Safari Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 5-23 Dad's Run.pdf
│  │  └ 5-24 Drawing Adventure.pdf
│  ├ 级别 (6)
│  │  │ 6-01 In the Garden.pdf
│  │  │ 6-02 Kipper and the Gaint.pdf
│  │  │ 6-04 Land of the Dinosaurs.pdf
│  │  │ 6-05 Robbin Hood.pdf
│  │  │ 6-09 The laughing Princess.pdf
│  │  │ 6-10 Christmas Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 6-13 Paris Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 6-18 Olympic Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 6-19 Dad's Grand Plan.pdf
│  │  │ 6-20 Mirror Island.pdf
│  │  └ 6-21 Don't Be Silly.pdf
│  ├ 级别 (7)
│  │  │ 7-01 Red Planet.pdf
│  │  │ 7-02 Lost in the jungle.pdf
│  │  │ 7-03 The Broken Roof.pdf
│  │  │ 7-05 The Willow Pattern Plot.pdf
│  │  │ 7-06 Submarine Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 7-07 The Motorway.pdf
│  │  │ 7-08 The Bully.pdf
│  │  │ 7-09 The Hunt for Gold.pdf
│  │  │ 7-10 Chinese Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 7-11 Roman Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 7-12 The Jigsaw Puzzle.pdf
│  │  │ 7-13 The Power Cut.pdf
│  │  │ 7-14 Australian Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 7-15 The Riddle Stone Part 1.pdf
│  │  │ 7-16 The Riddle Stone Part 2.pdf
│  │  │ 7-17 A Sea Mystery.pdf
│  │  │ 7-18 The Big Breakfast.pdf
│  │  └ 7-19 The Joke Machine.pdf
│  ├ 级别 (8)
│  │  │ 8-01 The Kidnappers.pdf
│  │  │ 8-02 Viking Adenture.pdf
│  │  │ 8-03 The Rainbow Machine.pdf
│  │  │ 8-04 The Flying Carpet.pdf
│  │  │ 8-05 A Day in London.pdf
│  │  │ 8-06 Victorian Adenture.pdf
│  │  │ 8-07 Pocket Money.pdf
│  │  │ 8-08 The Evil Genie.pdf
│  │  │ 8-09 Save Floppy!.pdf
│  │  │ 8-10 What was it like.pdf
│  │  │ 8-11 Flood!.pdf
│  │  └ 8-12 Egyptian Adventure.pdf
│  └ 级别 (9)
│     │ 9-01 Green Island.pdf
│     │ 9-02 Storm Castle.pdf
│     │ 9-03 Superdog.pdf
│     │ 9-04 The Litter Queen.pdf
│     │ 9-05 The Quest.pdf
│     │ 9-06 Survival Adventure.pdf
│     │ 9-07 The Blue Eye.pdf
│     │ 9-08 Rescue!.pdf
│     │ 9-09 Dutch Adventure.pdf
│     │ 9-10 The Finest in the Land.pdf
│     │ 9-11 The Flying Machine.pdf
│     └ 9-12 Key Trouble.pdf
├ 牛津阅读树341本PDF电子书
│  ├ stage_1+(16-47)
│  │  │ 16. Where_is_Baby.pdf
│  │  │ 17. Top_Dog.pdf
│  │  │ 18. Tigers Family.pdf
│  │  │ 19. The Big Carrot.pdf
│  │  │ 20. My_Dad.pdf
│  │  │ 21. Mix,mix,mix.pdf
│  │  │ 22. Kipper's Dairy.pdf
│  │  │ 23. Is Dad in Here.pdf
│  │  │ 24. Hello_Grandma.pdf
│  │  │ 25. Family_Poems.pdf
│  │  │ 26. Ducks.pdf
│  │  │ 27. Clothes_for_the_Rain.pdf
│  │  │ 28. Cats.pdf
│  │  │ 29. Can You See Me.pdf
│  │  │ 30. Big Feet.pdf
│  │  │ 31. big bad bug.pdf
│  │  │ 32. A Home for Ted.pdf
│  │  │ 33. at the park(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 34. Fancy dress(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 35. Go away Floppy(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 36. good dog(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 37. good old mum(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 38. Hide and seek(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 39. Look at me(典范)(1).pdf
│  │  │ 39. Look at me(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 40. push(典范)(1).pdf
│  │  │ 40. push(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 41. reds and blues(典范)(1).pdf
│  │  │ 41. reds and blues(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 42. see me skip(典范)(1).pdf
│  │  │ 42. see me skip(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 43. the headache(典范)(1).pdf
│  │  │ 43. the headache(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 44. the ice cream(典范)(1).pdf
│  │  │ 44. the ice cream(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 45. the mud pie(典范)(1).pdf
│  │  │ 45. the mud pie(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 46. the pet shop(典范)(1).pdf
│  │  │ 46. the pet shop(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 47. what a din(典范)(1).pdf
│  │  └ 47. what a din(典范).pdf
│  ├ stage_10(254-274)
│  │  │ 254. Animal Tricksters(1).pdf
│  │  │ 254. Animal Tricksters.pdf
│  │  │ 255. Castle_Poems(1).pdf
│  │  │ 255. Castle_Poems.pdf
│  │  │ 256. Clown School(1).pdf
│  │  │ 256. Clown School.pdf
│  │  │ 257. Cornflake Coin.pdf
│  │  │ 258. Disgusting Denzil(1).pdf
│  │  │ 258. Disgusting Denzil.pdf
│  │  │ 259. Erics_Talking_Ears(1).pdf
│  │  │ 259. Erics_Talking_Ears.pdf
│  │  │ 260. Jellyfish Shoes(1).pdf
│  │  │ 260. Jellyfish Shoes.pdf
│  │  │ 261. Jungle Shorts.pdf
│  │  │ 262. Making a book.pdf
│  │  │ 263. Nelly the Monster Sitter(1).pdf
│  │  │ 263. Nelly the Monster Sitter.pdf
│  │  │ 264. Sport is Fun!(1).pdf
│  │  │ 264. Sport is Fun!.pdf
│  │  │ 265. The boss Dog of Blossom Street.pdf
│  │  │ 266. The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om.pdf
│  │  │ 267. The Selkie child.pdf
│  │  │ 268. Tom the Whistling Wonder.pdf
│  │  │ 269. Tom Thumb and the Football Team.pdf
│  │  │ 270. Town Dog.pdf
│  │  │ 271. Yummy Scrummy.pdf
│  │  │ 272. dexter's_dinosaurs(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 273. stupitrousers(典范).pdf
│  │  └ 274. the_great_sfaghetti_suit(典范).pdf
│  ├ stage_11(275-293)
│  │  │ 275. Brer_Rabbits_Trickbag.pdf
│  │  │ 276. Clever_Monkey.pdf
│  │  │ 277. Dick_Whittington.pdf
│  │  │ 278. Fables from Africa.pdf
│  │  │ 279. Man_on_the_Moon.pdf
│  │  │ 280. MaryAnn_anthe_Cat_Baby.pdf
│  │  │ 281. Pirate_Poems.pdf
│  │  │ 282. Sports poems.pdf
│  │  │ 283. Stinky Street.pdf
│  │  │ 284. The Big Chance.pdf
│  │  │ 285. The Wrong Letter.pdf
│  │  │ 286. The_Huge_anHorrible_Beast.pdf
│  │  │ 287. The_Jam_Street_Puzzle.pdf
│  │  │ 288. The_King_of_Football.pdf
│  │  │ 289. Titanic_Survivor.pdf
│  │  │ 290. Toffee_anMarmalade.pdf
│  │  │ 291. bertie_wiggins_amazing_ears(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 292. coming_clean(典范).pdf
│  │  └ 293. dangerous_trainers(典范).pdf
│  ├ stage_12(294-302)
│  │  │ 294. Animal Conflicts.pdf
│  │  │ 295. Cool Clive.pdf
│  │  │ 296. Doohickey and the Robot (page34 missing).pdf
│  │  │ 297. Downhill Racers.pdf
│  │  │ 298. Here Comes Trouble.pdf
│  │  │ 299. How the World Began.pdf
│  │  │ 300. My Friend Mandela.pdf
│  │  │ 301. Round Up.pdf
│  │  └ 302. The Super Skateplank.pdf
│  ├ stage_13(303-309)
│  │  │ 303. blackbeard.pdf
│  │  │ 304. Journey to Mars.pdf
│  │  │ 305. Robot Rampage.pdf
│  │  │ 306. The Deep.pdf
│  │  │ 307. The Personality Potion.pdf
│  │  │ 308. waiting for goldie.pdf
│  │  └ 309. why the sea is salty.pdf
│  ├ stage_14(310-317)
│  │  │ 310. air raid.pdf
│  │  │ 311. Big Game Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 312. dragon tales.pdf
│  │  │ 313. Exploring the Deep.pdf
│  │  │ 314. grace the pirate.pdf
│  │  │ 315. kelly the rescue dog.pdf
│  │  │ 316. Team X.pdf
│  │  └ 317. tomb raiders.pdf
│  ├ stage_15(318-321)
│  │  │ 318. Adrenalin Rush.pdf
│  │  │ 319. Mythical_Beasts_anFabulous_Monsters.pdf
│  │  │ 320. Storm Chasers.pdf
│  │  └ 321. Ultimate Takeover.pdf
│  ├ stage_16(321-323)
│  │  │ 322. Sherlock_Holmes.pdf
│  │  └ 323. Tales_of_the_Underworld.pdf
│  ├ stage_1(1-15)
│  │  │ 1. Fetch.pdf
│  │  │ 10. floppy_floppy(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 11. fun at the beach(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 12. gootrick(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 13. six in a bed(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 14. The pancake(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 15. who is it(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 2. The Big Box.pdf
│  │  │ 3. The Haircut.pdf
│  │  │ 4. The Hedgehog.pdf
│  │  │ 5. The Library.pdf
│  │  │ 6. The Little Red Hen.pdf
│  │  │ 7. The Lost Teddy.pdf
│  │  │ 8. Floppy's Fun Phonics.pdf
│  │  └ 9. Floppy Did This!.pdf
│  ├ stage_2(48-81)
│  │  │ 48. A Dog's Day.pdf
│  │  │ 49. Ant and the Baby.pdf
│  │  │ 50. Diggers.pdf
│  │  │ 51. Dont_Jump_on_the_BeFred.pdf
│  │  │ 52. Jack.pdf
│  │  │ 53. My Cat Moggy.pdf
│  │  │ 54. Paco's Pet.pdf
│  │  │ 55. Quiz.pdf
│  │  │ 56. Rabbit on the Run(无音频).pdf
│  │  │ 57. Spots.pdf
│  │  │ 58. The King and His Wish.pdf
│  │  │ 59. The Ox and the Yak.pdf
│  │  │ 60. The Snowman.pdf
│  │  │ 61. The Toys Party.pdf
│  │  │ 62. The Wobbly Tooth.pdf
│  │  │ 63. Tortoise_Tortoise.pdf
│  │  │ 64. What_is_it.pdf
│  │  │ 65. a_new_dog(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 66. a_present_for_mum(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 67. A_Sinking_Feeling(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 68. Creepy-Crawly(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 69. Hey_Presto!(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 70. in_a_bit(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 71. It__s_the_Weather(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 72. monkey_tricks(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 73. Naughty_Children(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 74. new_trainers(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 75. poor_floppy(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 76. put_it_back(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 77. the_big_egg(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 78. the_dream(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 79. the_go-kart(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 80. the_hole_in_the_sand(典范).pdf
│  │  └ 81. what_a_badog(典范).pdf
│  ├ stage_3(82-110)
│  │  │ 100. a_cat_in_the_tree(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 101. by_the_stream(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 102. nobody_wanteto_play(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 103. on_the_sand(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 104. pondipping(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 105. sniff(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 106. the_dolphin_pool(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 107. the_duck_race(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 108. the_mubath(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 109. the_rope_swing(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 110. the_steel_band(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 82. Chicken Licken.pdf
│  │  │ 83. Leek Hotpot.pdf
│  │  │ 84. Melting_Snow.pdf
│  │  │ 85. Patterns.pdf
│  │  │ 86. Presents_for_Baby.pdf
│  │  │ 87. Ron Rabbit's big day(songbirds stage3).pdf
│  │  │ 88. Silver Foil Rocket.pdf
│  │  │ 89. Stop Pot,Stop!.pdf
│  │  │ 90. Super Dad.pdf
│  │  │ 91. The Birthday Cake.pdf
│  │  │ 92. The Ice Rink.pdf
│  │  │ 93. The Rainy Day.pdf
│  │  │ 94. The Sing Song.pdf
│  │  │ 95. The Singing Bird.pdf
│  │  │ 96. The Snowman.pdf
│  │  │ 97. The web.pdf
│  │  │ 98. Toads in the Road.pdf
│  │  └ 99. What's the weather like today.pdf
│  ├ stage_4(111-140)
│  │  │ 111. An Old Red Hat.pdf
│  │  │ 112. Ballet.pdf
│  │  │ 113. Bug Hunt.pdf
│  │  │ 114. Crunch.pdf
│  │  │ 115. Dragon Danger.pdf
│  │  │ 116. Dragon Training.pdf
│  │  │ 117. Everyone Got Wet.pdf
│  │  │ 118. Little Mouse Deer and the Crocodile.pdf
│  │  │ 119. No Tricks Gran.pdf
│  │  │ 120. Number Poems.pdf
│  │  │ 121. Painting the Loft.pdf
│  │  │ 122. Queen Anneena's Feast.pdf
│  │  │ 123. Stuck in the Mud.pdf
│  │  │ 124. The Moon Jet.pdf
│  │  │ 125. The Play Park.pdf
│  │  │ 126. The Race.pdf
│  │  │ 127. The Scarf.pdf
│  │  │ 128. The Tortoise and the Baboon.pdf
│  │  │ 129. Tom,Dad and Colin.pdf
│  │  │ 130. Zack and Zee.pdf
│  │  │ 131. come_in(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 132. house_for_sale(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 133. swap!(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 134. the_dragon_dance(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 135. the_flying_elephant(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 136. the_new_house(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 137. the_play(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 138. the_secret_room(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 139. the_storm(典范).pdf
│  │  └ 140. wet_paint(典范).pdf
│  ├ stage_5(141-165)
│  │  │ 141. A Monster Mistake.pdf
│  │  │ 142. Alf Saves the Day.pdf
│  │  │ 143. Be Quiet!.pdf
│  │  │ 144. Flying High.pdf
│  │  │ 145. Husky Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 146. Julia_Donaldson.pdf
│  │  │ 147. Kipper and the Trolls.pdf
│  │  │ 148. Magic_Tricks.pdf
│  │  │ 149. Pirate Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 150. Please Do Not Sneeze(phonics).pdf
│  │  │ 151. Rowing Boats.pdf
│  │  │ 152. Seasick.pdf
│  │  │ 153. Stampede.pdf
│  │  │ 154. Sue Kangaroo.pdf
│  │  │ 155. The Chatterbox Turtle.pdf
│  │  │ 156. The Gale.pdf
│  │  │ 157. The Magic Paintbrush.pdf
│  │  │ 158. The Noisy Day.pdf
│  │  │ 159. The School Trip.pdf
│  │  │ 160. Whats that Noise.pdf
│  │  │ 161. castle_adventure(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 162. gran(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 163. the_dragon_tree(典范).pdf
│  │  │ 164. the_magic_key(典范).pdf
│  │  └ 165. village_in_the_snow(典范).pdf
│  ├ stage_6(166-188)
│  │  │ 166. Alien Invasion!.pdf
│  │  │ 167. Batter_Splatter.pdf
│  │  │ 168. Christmas Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 169. Go Away,Molly!.pdf
│  │  │ 170. Grans New Blue Shoes.pdf
│  │  │ 171. Hairy-Scary Monster.pdf
│  │  │ 172. In the Garden.pdf
│  │  │ 173. Land of the Dinosaurs.pdf
│  │  │ 174. Max the Detective.pdf
│  │  │ 175. Olympic Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 176. Olympic_Dreams.pdf
│  │  │ 177. Paris Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 178. Paula the vet.pdf
│  │  │ 179. Skyway Shock.pdf
│  │  │ 180. Special_Days_Poems.pdf
│  │  │ 181. The Frog Prince.pdf
│  │  │ 182. The Laughing Princess.pdf
│  │  │ 183. The_House_that_Jack_Built.pdf
│  │  │ 184. The_Samosa_Thief.pdf
│  │  │ 185. When Animals Invade.pdf
│  │  │ 186. Wilweather.pdf
│  │  │ 187. kipper_anthe_giant(典范).pdf
│  │  └ 188. robin_hood(典范).pdf
│  ├ stage_7(189-204)
│  │  │ 189. Animal Magic.pdf
│  │  │ 190. Hero.pdf
│  │  │ 191. Hide and Cheat.pdf
│  │  │ 192. Jamie and the Chameleon.pdf
│  │  │ 193. Red Planet.pdf
│  │  │ 194. Rorys_Lost_His_Voice.pdf
│  │  │ 195. Rumpelstiltskin.pdf
│  │  │ 196. Sports then and now.pdf
│  │  │ 197. Submarine Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 198. The Big Breakfast.pdf
│  │  │ 199. The Bully.pdf
│  │  │ 200. Things_that_Sting.pdf
│  │  │ 201. Tiger's Discovery.pdf
│  │  │ 202. ToaSwims_for_his_Life.pdf
│  │  │ 203. lost_the_jungle(典范).pdf
│  │  └ 204. the_broken_roof(典范).pdf
│  ├ stage_8(205-221)
│  │  │ 205. Attack of the Centipede.pdf
│  │  │ 206. Big_Liam_Little_Liam.pdf
│  │  │ 207. Dinosaur Safari.pdf
│  │  │ 208. Escape of the Giant Chicken.pdf
│  │  │ 209. Finn MacCool and the Gaint's Causeway.pdf
│  │  │ 210. Flood!.pdf
│  │  │ 211. Jess_anthe_Bean_Root.pdf
│  │  │ 212. Minibeast_Poems.pdf
│  │  │ 213. More_Little_Mouse_Deer_Tales.pdf
│  │  │ 214. Mr Grim's TOWER.pdf
│  │  │ 215. The Rainbow Machine.pdf
│  │  │ 216. Viking Adventure.pdf
│  │  │ 217. What Was It Like.pdf
│  │  │ 218. Whats_inside_me.pdf
│  │  │ 219. a_day_in_london(典范).pdf
│  │  └ 典范
│  │     │ 219. a_day_in_london(典范).pdf
│  │     │ 220. the_flying_carpet(典范).pdf
│  │     └ 221. thp_kidnappers(典范).pdf
│  └ stage_9(222-253)
│     │ 222. Against All Odds.pdf
│     │ 223. Alex_Brychta.pdf
│     │ 224. Alien_Swap.pdf
│     │ 225. An_Adventure_for_Robodog.pdf
│     │ 226. At_the_Top_of_the_World.pdf
│     │ 227. Blackbeard's Ship.pdf
│     │ 228. Captain Comet and the Purple Planet.pdf
│     │ 229. Cosmo_for_Captain.pdf
│     │ 230. East of the Sun,West of the Moon.pdf
│     │ 231. environmental disasters.pdf
│     │ 232. Farmer_Skiboo_Stories.pdf
│     │ 233. Green Island.pdf
│     │ 234. Hot_Dog.pdf
│     │ 235. Key Trouble.pdf
│     │ 236. Nasty Nate's Pirate Adventure.pdf
│     │ 237. Ocean_Adventure.pdf
│     │ 238. Oh,Otto!.pdf
│     │ 239. Power Racers.pdf
│     │ 240. Robots_Special_Day.pdf
│     │ 241. Snow_Troll.pdf
│     │ 242. Space_Poems.pdf
│     │ 243. Storm Castle.pdf
│     │ 244. The Flying Machine.pdf
│     │ 245. The_Lazy_Giant.pdf
│     │ 246. The_SanWitch.pdf


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